Thursday, November 4

tag from MENA, ATY & INA

meh aku jawab dalam belog ye. boleh ye anda bertiga =)

acik(ina), angoh(mena), anjang(aty)

"ABC About You" :

INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out these questions and make a new note called "ABC About You." Then tag 25 people. If you got tagged by me, you have to take this survey and re-post it! Don’t forget to tag me because I want to know more about you!


B - BIRTHDAY: 15 March

C- CRUSHING ON: pompuan yg dlm cite gumiho tu huu sumpah comel!

D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: air suam

E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: bonbon tapi dia bukan person! aku cakap dalam hati je dengan dia~

F - FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT: only girl- rihanna. versi layan perasaan lak, kissin' you- miranda cosgrove

H - HOMETOWN: kuala terengganu

I - IN LOVE WITH: ilham lah! *big grinnn~

J - JUGGLE: oh WTH??

K - KILLED SOMEONE: belom lagi tapi ada terasa nak buat. for this moment rasaku itu tiada, anda semua selamat.



N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 4! je suis la le premiere~

O - ONE WISH: tanak bagitauuu~

P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: ilham, discuss, or to be exact, menganjing about resume

R- REASON TO SMILE: saya senyom untok mengingatkan diri saya yang saya adalah kuat!

S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: kiss me- sixpence none the richer

T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 10.30am. kot.

U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: transparent! haa mek kau sebok je nak tau

V - VEGETABLE: tolak kacang panjang & timun je kot. yang lain aku membedal aje

W - WORST HABIT: bile da jadik baru sebok nak betolkan


Y - YOYOS ARE: game yang sangat seronok bila tengok experts main but after that akan tersedar dan tertanya, APA MOTIF KAU MAIN YOYO WEY??

Z - ZODIAC SIGN: pieces~


Your favorite number/s: 8

What color do you wear most: yellow. baju aku mcm byk kale kunen je~

Least favorite color: black kot. tp byk gak baju hitam~

What are you listening to: right now bunyik kipas dalam bilik yg kuat nak mampos sampai on call pon orang ley tanye bunyik ape tuh wey?

Are you happy with your life right now: yup yup, sebab ada ilham. haa~

What is your favorite class in school: english, chemistry, biology~

Who is/are your best friend/s: rakan-rakan yang sentiasa ada di kala saya susah. anda tau siapa anda

Are you outgoing: takkkk! serius takkk!

Favorite pair of shoes: janji bukan flat. aku da tak ley pakai flat la. huhu

Can you dance: kau agak?

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth: oh lg skali WTH? aku dah phm lain. haha~

Can you whistle: takkkk jugak!

Cross your eyes: takkkk jugak jugak!

Walk with your toes curled: gila tak cam cramp lak kan~


Do you believe in life in other planets: ultraman ley je hidop kat planet pe ntah tu haa~

Do you believe in miracles: maybe lah kot. depends kat mood.

Do you believe in magic: tidak sama sekali.

Love at first sight: entah. tidak pernah ku alami.

Do you believe in Santa: zaman kecik2 dulu ye ah semangat carik stocking kalau time xmas konon nak presents yg santa nak bg kat budak2 tu. DULU je la tapi okayyy! skrg tidak lagi!

Do you know how to swim: tak pena tauuu! sedangkan pantai hnye depan rumah haha penat bapakku mengaja

Do you like roller coasters: sukeeeeeeeeee!!

Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows: aku tnye kau balek, kau nak kasik aku masok reality show ape?

Have you ever been on a plane: yup yup.

Have you ever asked someone out: eh semestinya lah!

Have you ever been to the ocean: kau agakkkk?? aku dah bg hint dah td. haa~

Have you ever painted your nails?: yeah i do i do i dooo!! dulu la tp sekarang tak suke tgk kuku kale2! kotor!


What is the temperature outside?: outside panas inside pon panas. kipas harapkan bunyik je gaung!

What radio station do you listen to: fly n hitz. yg lain tak boley nak terima sebab iklan radio yg malay punye bapak ah mengarot! kipas raku2 lah~

What was the last restaurant you ate at: kfc semalam dgn ilham

What was the last thing you bought: nasik!

What was the last thing on TV you watched: tak ingat lah


Who was the last person you IM'd: tak de. tak on9 pon

Who was the last person you took a picture of: ilham. semalam.

Who was the last person you said I love you to: ilham. semalam jugak.


Ever really cried your heart out: yup yup

Ever cried yourself to sleep: yup

Ever cried on your friend's shoulder: nope nope~

Ever cried over the opposite sex: yup *malu lah pulak

Do you cry when you get an injury: nope nope. tak pena lg

Do certain songs make you cry: bila jiwa kacau. tapi once in a blue moon lah


Are you a happy person?: yupppp!

What is your current hair color: black


What shirt are you wearing: tshirt merah ilham yg punye. xD

Pants: short kotak2 aku yg punye.

Shoes: boot kunen pua chu kang yg tak! tipu je.

Necklaces: oh ini tiada.


Favorite eye color: mata ilham

Short or long hair: rambot ilham

Height: tinggi ilham


Been to jail: lalu depan je

Mooned someone: moon bulan ke? ish tak paham

Thought about suicide: pena je. haa~ sudah tidak okeh!

Laughed so hard you cried: so many times kot.

Cried in school: haha neverrr!

Thrown up in a store: neverrrr!!

Wanted to be a model: zaman kecik2 dulu ye ah semua baju nak try pastuh nak catwalk je dalam rumah. sekarang sudah tidak okeh!

Seen a dead body: dalam paper or media counted tak? if yes, then yes lah!

Been on drugs: im cleannnn =)

Gone skinny dipping: oh tidak gila ke ape?


Pepsi or Coke: air suam

McDonald's or Burger King: secret recipe

Single or Group Dates: ilham

Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla

Strawberries or Blueberries: chocolate

Meat or Veggies: ayam

TV or Movie: movie

Guitar or Drums: both!

Adidas or Nike: both!

Chinese or Mexican: malays. takkan melayu hilang di dunia!

haaa dah jawab dah. jawapan jujur daripada isi hati tuh. haha. jangan annoyed kalau nama ilham terbanyak pulak. jujur dari hati kan. haaa~ xD

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