Sunday, January 6


hi hi hi! its sunday morning everyone! and im waiting for marzalina to come over for fetching me up to somewhere only we know. still havent breakfast yet and my tummy kinda hungry at the moment. not a good start for the day anyway. hurm, still remember about my thought of diary-ing this blog? haha guess thats what im doing now. blogging in the morning is never my thangggg actually demmit.

well, i have a room mate now after 8months living alone in a room. thats kinda awkward because of few things i never experienced before. but shes good though. and right now, still sleeping and everyone in the whole house is also still sleeping walaweyyy bangun lah semorang hiburkan hatiku ini.

what to write huh?


hurm okay, working life is sucks thousands times compared to the time of being a student. being a student is awesomely gorgeous superbly fun et al. instead of not having enough money to fulfill all ur wants and needs, but u still have times to lazy around. even u need to wake up early to attend morning class, but its not as hell as when ure being employed. its like u still have the time and energy but u dont have enough money (and u have the money but its only not enough).

working life -- u have the money (even sometimes its still not enough) but u dont have the time and energy.

feels like to resign and further master for living. but i want monayyyy!

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