kadang kadang tag daripada kau ni Azie berguna gak tatkala aku tak dapat nak tido ni.
instruction : once you are tagged, answer the question honestLy. No Lying or cheating ok ?
oh saya memang tak suka menipu ponnnn~ pffftt
starting time : 2.34 am
name : Atiewa.
brother(s) : youngerbrothers ada 2 orang older yillek.
eye coLour : haruslah dark brown dan bukan hitam sebab nak nampak macam gorgeous terlebih.
shoe size : size 5.
hair : curly colour kuning tapi nampak sangat la menipu kan so aku jawab hitam plus brown brown sikit lah.
piercing : kat telinga je dulu pon dah ada 8 tapi sebab berat sangat so satu pon aku tak pakai sekarang. *muka serius
height : tinggi macam Adriana Lima pffftt tembak diri sendirik.
what are you wearing right now : macam nak jawab baju kurong tapi malas nak cakap ye aku tipu. kan dah nak pukol 3 pagi harudlah aku pakai cantek cantek siap siap nak tido jap lagi.
where do u Live : currently dekat Taman U T__T
favourite number : lucky number 8 walaupon aku tak pernah nak bertuahnya.
favourite drink : air suam.
favourite month : tak pernah aku ada fav month sepanjang aku hidop.
favourite breakfast : T__T *speechless sebab breakfast pon once in a blue moon.
broken a bone : belom lagi dan memang tak nak.
been in a poLice car : huh? next question!
faLLen for a friend : memanglah pernah *dengan muka penoh confident
faLLen for a guy / girL for a short time : guy and girl dua dua pernah je. ramai pulak tuh huuu~
swam in the ocean : haruslah sebab depan rumah ada pantai.
broken someone's heart : pernah T__T
cried when someone's died : pernah jugak. Al-Fatihah buat arwah~
sat by the phone aLL night waiting for someone caLL : pernah jugak loser tak loser sangat lah kan.
saved e-maiL : ada jugak semua benda karot marot kau nak tahu lah.
been cheated : haruslah pernah. kaw kaw punya tapi naseb baek aku bijak dapat detect awal awal. *emo emo
your room Look a Like : paradise. pffftt.
what is right beside you : meja study si Ina senget.
what is the Last thing you ate : fries kat mapeley tadi pow yang As punya.
the Last person you teLL : tell what?
who was the Last person you danced with : so u think u can dance?
who Last made you smiLe : malaslah nak senyom.
what are you Listening right now : Sum 41- somesay, beribu kali duk ulang hari ni malas nak tuko playlist.
what did you do today : presentation proposal PSM? T__T
are you the oLdest : yup aku anak sulong dan dah warning parents aku awal awal first comes first served.
taLk to someone you Like : ye dah~
kiss someone : tak.
sing : ye dah~
taLk to an ex : dah tak ada kerja nak cakap dengan ex.
miss someone : A'AHHHH YE SEDANGGGGG! *emo
eat : ye dah~
you taLked on the phone to : mommy.
made u cry : nice question. try again later.
you went to the maLL with : room mate si Ina senget.
who cheered you up : me myself kerek tak kerek lah.
have a crush on someone : belom lagi.
what books are you reading right now : facebook.
best feeLing in the worLd : dapat makan benda yang dah lama nak makan.
future kids name : pffftt. next question.
do you sLeep with stuffed animaL : a'ah ye banyak gile lak tuh gedik kan?
what's under your bed : katil pon tak ade. sedih hidop menuntot ilmu nih.
favourite sport : volleyball. tapi sekarang tengah mengidam nak main netball sebab dah lama ni tak main shoot shoot. aish.
favourite pLace : yang da pernah pergi ke yang belom pernah pergi?
do you have a job : tiba tiba rasa macam susahnya nak jawab soalan ni =,="
what time is it now : 3 am sharp.
with however Long it took you to compLete this,
post as "my 14 minutes survey" and tag 15 peopLe...
bengong tadi cakap jangan tipu pastuh nak cakap 14menet pulak jawab huh.
malas lah aku nak ngetag ngetag, siapa rasa tak ada kerja silalah buat.
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