Thursday, September 16

Raya 2010

antara gambar-gambar terpilih peringkat pertama =)

raya pertama
location: rumah opah
status: bolat gile muke pakai tudong macam gini.

raya kedua
status: aku lagi tinggi daripada makcik aku.

raya kedua
status: uchu&anjang, makcik gile, dua-dua memang pendek aje.

raya kelima
event: family gathering & birthday celebration
location: rumah aku

raya kelima
status: orang cakap macam gile je XD

Wednesday, September 15

people have the right to be stupid

when i see ur face, there's not a thing i would change. coz u'r amazing, just the way u are~
-Bruno Mars, Just The Way You Are

yup2, we do have the right to be stupid, but some people abuse that privilege, by mean menyalahgunakan hak. itu pasal la banyak sangat kejadian yang tak disenangi sekarang. gunakanlah hak menjadi bodoh sebaik-baiknya. hidop ni plain kalau ikot scheme je manjang. busan! malam-malam tak ley tido ni pon otak aku automatik lah more to the stupidity side. and kau tengok kebodohan google mentranslate ayat aku:

secara jujonye aku pon bodoh jugak tibe-tibe je mencabar kredibiliti google kan. tapi disini dapat ditegaskan bahawa aku menggunakan hak aku dengan betol la rite. entah la tak dapat nak diungkapkan dengan kata-kata lah. secara terang-terangan aku mencarot mengarot je lebeh ni. u olls just read this yep:

A mother passing by her daughter's bedroom was astonished to see the bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then she saw an envelope propped up prominently on the center of the bed. It was addressed, "Mom." With the worst premonition, she opened the envelope and read the letter with trembling hands:

Dear Mom,
It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you. I had to elope with my new boyfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with Dad and you. I've been finding real passion with Ahmed and he is so nice-even with all his piercings, tattoos, beard, and his motorcycle clothes. But it's not only the passion Mom, I'm pregnant and Ahmed said that we will be very happy. He already owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter. He wants to have many more children with me and that's now one of my dreams too. Ahmed taught me that marijuana doesn't really hurt anyone and we'll be growing it for us and trading it with his friends for all the cocaine and ecstasy we want. In the meantime, we'll pray that science will find a cure for AIDS so Ahmed can get better; he sure deserves it!! Don't worry Mom, I'm 15 years old now and I know how to take care of myself. Someday I'm sure we'll be back to visit so you can get to know your grand children.

Your daughter,

PS: Mom, none of the above is true. I'm over at the neighbor's house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than my report card that's in my desk center drawer. I love you! Call when it is safe for me to come home.

terailah kasik mak bapak kau surat macam gini. setail! =)

masih belom terlambat~

raya ni mak tak kasik mengadap komputer kerana disuroh melayan tetamu yang datang beraya. ikotkan hati macam nak letak je signboard besar-besar dekat depan rumah tulis tiada orang langsong di rumah ini ish bapak keji! tak tak, gurau je. tetamu tetap diraikan~

maklomlah, rumah aku terbuka je sepanjang masa. orang datang tak berhenti tak menang tangan dah! nak beraya lama-lama pon tak sempat, serius. ada je yang call cakap nak datang. mama cakap, tetamu itu rezeki.

aku belom post entry ucap "selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin" pon lagi. dekat facebook pon takde. tatau lah kenape. masih belom terlambat rasanya aku nak type kan. so rakan-rakan sekalian alam,


dalam kita seronok duaronok beraya ni, jangan lupa sedekahkan Al-Fatihah buat arwah Dato' Sosilawati dan 3 lagi hamba Allah~ semoga roh mereka dicucori rahmat dan tenang di sana. jangan lupe, keburukan orang yang dah tak ada jangan dibualkan lagi. dan semoga Datok peguam tuh dapat balasan yang setimpal. aish jahat yang amat! tapi kes ni 'humble' sikit lah daripada kes c4 tuh hari kan. ish Malaysia sekarang!

Wednesday, September 8

Love Stuff

meaning of each kiss~
- on the Forehead: We're cute together .
- on the Cheek: We're friends.
- on the Hand: I adore you.
- on the Neck: I want you, now.
- on the Shoulder: You are perfect.
- on the Lips: I LOVE YOU

meaning of each gesture~
- Holding Hands: We definitely like each other.
- Holding you tight pressed against each other: I want you.
- Looking into each other's Eyes: I like you, for who you are.
- Playing with Hair: Let's fool around.
- Arms around the Waist: I like you too much to let go.
- Laughing while Kissing: I am completely comfortable with you.

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

"We come to love not by finding a perfect person,

but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."
- Sam Keen, from To Love and Be Loved

it has been a while...

4a.m, waiting for the saho time. baru je balek rumah ni tadi menyambot ke'sampaian' makcik dari alor setar. pukol berapa entah dia sampai tadi. layan anak-anak dia yang makin havoc gila rasa macam nak cubit-cubit nak picit-picit je. memang dah buat pon sampai menanges dah anak dia yang last. eheh~

aku suka kasik tajok entry tak sama dengan isik kan? merapu meraban je tajok aku kasik. korang yang baca pon mesti macam aish minah ni entah pape lah tajok semua nak kencing je lebih! okeh, aku mengaku. aku memang begitu. aku sangat tak pandai nak bagi tajok untok entry. kalau aku type tajok dulu, sah-sah entry aku memang ke laot isiknya. kalau aku type entry dulu, sah-sah tajok aku memang akan meraban merapu. sangat tidak kreatip dalam hal itu. akan aku perbetolkan.

pagi dinihari ini (???), perasaan seakan lain macam. dah nak raya dah kita ye, sekejap sahaja rasanya. macam baru je seminggu lepas setat pose. tup-tup, esok lusa dah nak raya dah. sangat cepat masa berlalu (kononnya walaupun certain time aku rasa macam lambat gilak!).

raya kali ni seakan macam tak best. opah aku cakap dia dah tak nak buat nasik tomato padahal nasik tomato dialah yang aku rindu-rindukan. dia cakap dia dah tak larat. aku cakap aku nak buat dia cakap tak payah, dia tak nak ajar. aish opah aku ni lokek nasik tomato betol!

nasik tomato tak ade dah satu hal, uchu pon petang raya baru gerak balek dari kolumpo. alang pon petang raya jugak gerak balek dari kuantan. yang ada malam raya hanya budak-budak kanak-kanak riang raya yang secara sahnya akan kecoh-kecoh berebot mercon and bunga api. dan yang paling penting, baju raya aku yang paling tak meriah! padan muka beli sendirik lagi~

dulu kecik-kecik pon aku macam gitu (and sampai sekarang pon aku join acara rebot-merebot mercon dan bunga api). time arwah aki (atok sebelah mama merangkap husband opah serta ayah mama) ada lagi, beliau selalu belikan aku mercon. macam-macam jenis mercon. aku paling suka mercon lalat pasal dia terbang-terbang kejo orang. selalu je berebot dengan nadia and uchu dulu. tapi dulu mercon tak ade lah dangerous+hazardous macam sekarang. dulu mercon semua mesra-mesra alam je. tak ada pon keluar cerita budak mati gara-gara mercon macam sekarang. biasalah, sekarang semua nak advance je ye kan?

cepat gila kot masa berlalu. baru rasa macam kecik lagi aku ni tapi sekarang dah umor 20 tahon dah! uchu pon dah ada anak dua dah. nadia pon dah habes blajo dah. dah hampir 15tahon dah arwah aki pergi~ tiba-tiba aku rindu beliau. beliau suka manjakan aku dengan nadia walaupon pada dasarnya beliau garang gila dengan anak-anak beliau~ =(

dan raya kali ni pon still tak dapat nak beraya dengan my other half juge. entah bilalah baru dapat merasa. raya ketujoh baru berjumpe. huhu sabau sajalah~

Tuesday, September 7

benda comel =)

Oh Kekanda, jangan iri hati, Dinda naik pangkat lagi
Oh Adinda, Kanda mana dengki, malah Kanda support bini

Jadi Dinda mahu mengambil masa
Tapi Kanda mahu segera
Dinda ingin berjaya dalam kerjaya
Tapi Kanda mahu cahaya mata

Dinda belum bersedia
Kanda dah beria ria
Jadi yang mana satu?

Tak perlu bertengkar
Tak perlu bermasam muka

Oh Adinda, tolong jangan lekas curiga, lekas cemburu buta
Oh Kekanda, Dinda perlu berhati-hati, tak rela dikongsi

Kanda kerja overtime, terlebih masa
Itu yang Dinda harus berwaspada
Ini semua demi masa depan keluarga
Dengan Dinda atau sebaliknya?

Kanda kerja malam
Dinda kerja siang
Jadi bila nak bertemu?

Tak perlu bertengkar
Tak perlu bermasam muka

Oh adiwira, dewataku, mari ikut cara Dinda
Oh Tun Teja, intan permata, mari ikut cara Kanda
Bagaimana? Bagaimana kita nak selesaikannya?
Apa keputusannya?

Oh Kekanda mari nyawa, kita cuba komunikasi
Oh Adinda mari sayang, kita cuba toleransi
Walau kita janji sehidup semati, kita berlainan
Kanda polar kutub utara
Dinda kutub selatan
Komunikasi, sikap toleransi, itu yang kita perlu
Tak perlu bertengkar
Tak perlu bermasam muka

Walau kita sering dengan cara masing-masing
Kanda yang Perdana
Dinda yang Utama
Kanda segalanya
Dindalah nyawa

Kita tetap bahagia bila bersama sama
Bahagia bersama
Bersama selamanya
Bahagia selama-lamanya

ekanda adinda

p/s: Monoloque dari Butterfinger kepada sesiapa yang tak kenal dia and lagu ni sumpah comel~

all time favourite

It's so hard to say that I'm sorry, I'll make everything alright
All these things that I've done now what have I become
And where'd I go wrong
I don't mean to hurt, just to put you first
I won't tell you lies (I'm sorry)
I will stand accused with my hand on my heart
I'm just trying to say

I'm sorry, it's all that I can say
You mean so much and I'd fix all that I've done
If I could start again
I'd throw it all away to the shadows of regrets
And you would have the best of me

I know that I can't take back all of the mistakes
But I will try
Although it's not easy, I know you believe me, 'cause I would not lie
Don't believe their lies, told through jealous eyes, they don't understand (I'm sorry)
I won't break your heart, I won't bring you down
But I will have to say

I'm sorry, it's all that I can say
You mean so much and I'd fix all that I've done
If I could start again
I'd throw it all away to the shadows of regrets
And you would have the best of me

I'm sorry, it's all that I can say
You mean so much and I'd fix all that I've done
If I could start again
I'd throw it all away to the shadows of regrets
And you would have the best of me

sum 41 - Best of Me

Monday, September 6

yang kurik itu kundi yang merah itu saga

salam sejahtera dan salam satu Malaysia. semalam sebelom tido mencanak-canak idea datang nak sumbat dalam belog ini. tapi bila dah mengadap screen tiba-tiba idea tak ada. idea penat kot berjaga semalaman semalam~ dah, lantakkan.

zaman sekolah dulu suka main game king of fighter. so bila dapat tau KOF nak buat live-action agak semangat aku nak tengok. tekken pon aku suka main tapi dah dapat tau cerita itu membosankan so no need to watch lah.

okeh, dalam KOF aku suka pilih Mai Shiranui pasal dia sangat sexay kalau fighting-fighting. tetek dia besau kot! jangan cakap aku melucah, itu adalah kenyataan yang memang semua orang tak dapat nak nafikan. adik aku pon suka Mai pasal tetek dia besau.

tengok movie bersemangat aku tunggu Mai keluar. tup tup awal-awal lagi memang dah keluar and aku macam, "a'alamakkkkk, itu je Mai??"
ye, sebab tetek dia kecik! tak sexayyy! dia amek Maggie Q jadik Mai. aish!

haa, ini Mai kepada sesiapa yang belom tengok lagi cerita ni. body kecik and keding je. padahal, sepatotnya, ...

(macam saspen sangat je)

sekadar mengomen sahaja movie ini. i gave only 2 stars. so damn bored and not worthed lah. okay lah, jangan diperhatikan sangat gambar Mai ni, kurus pahala puasa.

p/s: terpaksa di'strike through kan demi menjaga sensitiviti puasa. maap lah, type maen hentam je~

Thursday, September 2

you are a freak, gosh!!

guysss, malam yang syahdu ini, let me give you alls something lah. disebabkan i sedang belajar french sem ini for the preparation untuk fly to france (a'alamakkkkk engkauuu!!), so let me teach you some french. haaaa~ conversation only lah. grammar dia complicated sikit. i masukkan sikit-sikit aje mana yang patut orite.

okeh, in french, ada 6 huruf vocal. A, E, I, O, U and H. and there's no more J and G sounds. that's the intro. let's get started~ something common je la okeh!

(est ke zhe pe alle-ro tuailett?)
- can i go to the toilet?

bonjour! (bohn-zhuu) - good day! [for formal use]
salut! (sa-lew!) - hi! / bye! [for informal use-when meeting friends]
enchante! (awn-chan-te!) - nice to meet you!
au revoir! (ou-re-vwa) - goodbye!
comment vous vous appelez? (como voo voo zappele?) - what is your name?
je m'appelle ... (zhe mappelle ...) - my name is ...
quel age avez-vous? (kellage avay-voo?) - how old are you? [formal]
tu as quel age? (tew a kellage?) - how old are you [informal]
j'ai ... ans (zhay ... awn) - i am ... years old
comment allez-vous? (como tallay voo?) - how are you?
ca va (sah-vah) - i am fine
tres bien (treh bee-ahn) - very good
pas mal (pah-mahl) - not bad
mal (mahl) - bad
merci (megh-see) - thank you
merci beaucoup (megh -see boo-koo)- thanks a lot/thank you very much
de rien (de ree-ahn) - you are welcome
a bientot (a' bee-ohn-toh) - see you soon
bonne chance (bun shahns) - good luck
je vous aime (zhe voo zem) - i love you [for formal and plural]
je t'aime (zhe tem) - i love you [informal]

dalam french, kalau spelling ada -an-, -en-, -on-, akan jadik bunyik -ohn-
eg: attention. spelling sama dengan english. tapi pronounciation dia is,

and letter 'r' dia, sebot die macam 'agh' sikit. senang cerita dengung lah sikit.
eg: merci. kan dah jadik megh-see~

hokeh, sikit-sikit dolulah! mana-mana yang dirasakan patot sahaja dahulu okeh.
selamat belajar ye anda-anda semua =)